An Update to "On Bullying among Young Boys"
There has been a small development since I published my post " On Bullying among Young Boys. " Every year we ask the school to place our son Daniel in a different classroom than his two bullies, but this year there's a designated class for the advanced kids and both our son and his primary bully, Michael, are in it. The placement overrode our request, which we didn't know about until the start of school. At first we were worried, but Michael, being a cunning bully, learned long ago to not conduct his bullying in front of adults and so behaves relatively well at school. Daniel also tends to play inside now and so does not encounter Michael or Robert with any frequency outside of school. But he did meet them at the nearby playground last month. I was there to watch, to be sure Michael and Robert didn't try to pull anything. Our son was playing with some other, younger children when the two of them showed up. They asked him and another boy to play a four-person base...